What started out as a gas lamp company and has since evolved into one of the largest outdoor camping gear & equipment brands in the world. Coleman offers a wide range of high-quality products that are designed to make your camping and hiking trips as enjoyable as possible. With items including coolers, insulated jugs, inflatable mattresses, utility tables, stoves, lanterns, and more, you’ll have no problem gearing up for any adventure.
As adventurers themselves, Coleman focuses on product quality above all else so you can be confident that you have the best gear for the job no matter where your travels take you. At Aussie Disposals, we proudly carry Coleman products so we can better meet the diverse needs of our customers and help them enjoy what they love.
Whether you’re replacing old gear or looking to stock up for your first camping trip, Coleman products don’t disappoint. From instant stoves to luminous lanterns, you’ll find that all of the products we carry are designed for adventurers just like you.
No matter how many people are in your party, we carry everything from personal coolers with a 6L capacity to 47L wheeled coolers so you can keep all of your drinks and food cool during the camping trip. Whether leaving it at the campsite to refresh after a long hike, or taking one down to the river for a little fishing, each Coleman cooler is designed to keep everything inside cool. We even carry Coleman ice bricks so you don’t have to deal with meltwater.
As nice as it is to live by the firelight at night, having a bright lantern or two always comes in handy when you’re camping. We carry both a battery powered lantern that offers up to 300 hours of battery life and a rechargeable lithium battery lanterns that give a consistent 550 lumens. Because they’re not gas powered, you can safely use these lanterns either outside or even in your tent.
When you’re setting up camp and need some extra space, our selection of Coleman utility tables will do just the trick. Coming in both small and medium sizes, they’re durable and store easily so you can bring them on camping trips without taking up too much space. They’re perfect for eating on, preparing hunting gear, and just about anything else you can think of.
Getting a good night’s sleep while camping is just as important as it is at home so you can wake up feeling refreshed and ready to continue the adventure. Coleman offers some of the most durable and comfortable inflatable beds on the market, coming in various sizes depending on your tent setup and needs. Try one out to see why so many of our customers rave about the durability and level of comfort.
Nothing beats having a hot, fresh meal after a long day of hiking or hunting. With the Coleman Hyperflame portable grill, you can instantly cook over an open flame with just about any pot, allowing you to prepare meals for both large and small parties. The sleek, durable design stores away nicely, and the easy-to-clean drip tray makes breakdown a breeze.
While our wide selection of Coleman products will get you off to a good start, there are still a few essential items that you need to make your camping experience as enjoyable as possible. With more than 150 high-quality camping accessories to choose from, you’ll be fully geared up for anything the great outdoors can throw at you.
Camping wouldn’t be called camping without a tent or a swag. With more than 70 multi-purpose tents and swags to choose from, we’re confident you’ll find the perfect one for your needs whether embarking on a solo camping trip or travelling with friends and family.
Fishing and camping are two activities that have gone hand in hand for centuries. At Aussie Disposals, we carry a variety of fishing products so you can enjoy the great outdoors to the fullest with a complete tackle box. Browse through our fishing gear now to see what you’re missing before you go camping.